Pictures by:
I keep wondering how Diana comes up with post names. :) They are always interesting - ok, my guess is that they come from songs (great idea btw to incorporate that into posts) but unfortunately for me, I'm not that familiar with all of them. That doesn't stop me to enjoy them though.
I didn't know what the blog was about but I got fascinated by the name (which I can somewhat relate to, everyone who knows me keeps making chicken when I come). It turns out there's a wealth of fragrance, books, movies and gardening thoughts to be found there.
This list wouldn't ve complete without Simone's blog (once more thank you for nominating me). She writes about romance, history and writing all in one and transports you to a salon from a 19th century when you visit her blog - which I do regurarly because if I can't visit such a salon in real life (I as an Aquarius live in the wrong time but they get it wrong when they say it only concerns future, it does not), I can do it over at Simone's. :)
Rita from the Left Coast never fails to impress with her thoughts on perfume which are at the same time provoking and hilariously funny. I love people whose minds are free.
Last but not least, a blog that promotes positive thinking. Each time I try to give my thoughts on the idea of the week, my mind ends up somewhere unexpected. What better way to get to know oneself?
Okay, so 7 things about myself:
1) I realized I have a problem talking about myself when asked to do it (not helpful at job interviews).
2) I really love pilates and I plan on doing it as long as I can (hopefully till the day I die).
3) I'm obsessed with my hair.
4) I read horoscope regularly but if it's bad I say to myself it's only horoscope and shouldn't be taken seriously.
5) I spend way too much money on perfume and books. Not that I really feel so but when compared with other people, there is really no way to excuse that amount. :)
6) I never thought blogging would turn out to be such a great, addicting, friendly obsession that brings so much joy to life.
7) One thing I like about me which my mother tells me I should curb a little - generosity. I like to give and I do like to receive (hence my wish to give - I know how much joy receiving is). :
Underneath you can find a list of my fellow nominees by Simone and I'll be posting my list this week.