I just love his books - ok, this is for now only valid for Sigma series, but I don't think the rest can be bad. If you're a good writer then whatever you write is just good. :)
One way that I know a writer has really climbed on my list is when his/her hardcover comes out and I don't even bat an eye at the price but can't wait to go and spend the money because it means I will be having it in my hands soon. Like with Mr. Rollins.
I cannot but help wonder how much research goes into each of his books. Even more so because he takes real things and facts and combines them with his characters to fit the story. The really scary part comes at the end of his books, what was real in the book and what wasn't - way too many of those things you wanted to be fiction seem to be fact. Very scary. Especially concerning this one when the facts point to the devastation man has done and keeps doing to this planet we live on. And not only that, but how much of that is actually being hidden and kept away from public. James Rollins always says which books helped him get to know some subject better and I always plan on getting them but still haven't managed to do it (will though eventually).
In Doomsdsay Key we have some GM foods gone real bad, "interesting" views on how to keep the world population in numbers that can actually live off the amount of food the earth can produce, Gray Pierce on a mission with the 2 women who effect his emotional life, Painter also on a mission, some back-stabbing and some not, Celtic history and some even older, Black Madonnas, strange diseases and their cures and a lot of learning to be done. And how would you not love the book?!
It just hit me yesterday that Gray Pierce is a combination of James Bond and Indiana Jones - he can get you out of any life-threatening situation and is really a genius when it comes to deciphering riddles. Plus, he has no lack of women (even though he is not that interested in quantity but quality). :)
And to end this with the best little tidbit - there is going to be at least one more SIgma book (since there is a "war" starting between Sigma and the Guild). I hope it takes a while before it's over. ;)
Pic by: www.jamesrollins.com