I thought this day would never come. :) Finally, 3 weeks of sun and sea. And after the week I had, all I can say is, I deserve it. I worked real hard these past 10 days (including the weekend) and now I can leave without any worries. Including the one when is my sister going to give birth to my second nephew. :) I'm proud to say that yesterday I became an aunt for the second time, my little nephew is 3550 g and 52 cm. Can't wait to see him later today (and my sister as well, the birth didn't go all that well, but she's getting better).
I so wanted to talk about a perfume today but I just didn't manage the time to sniff anything (that's how busy I was). I'm happy to say that I got the Boadicea Lucky scent sample pack and I'm taking it with me to be perused sometime in the next 3 weeks. Along with some other samples lying about on my desk.
What I did manage to do is gather books I plan on taking and now it seems I should cut back a bit on those since there are some 25 of them (and that's more than the days I'll be on vacation) - I like to read but I'm not that fast and I don't really need so much choice. I think I'll leave with 20 - it's only me and my boyfriend, so there's enough space. :) I can already see him clutching his head in shock. :) Happens every time.
One of the samples I sprayed on today after reading all the reviews - EL Jasmine White moss, and what can I say? It's nice and wearable and if I had it, I'd definitely put it on, but my knees do not go weak like after smelling Amoureuse (that's definitely a discovery) and if you want to know more about JWM, there are some great reviews at Grain de musc and Perfume smelling things.
Btw, I always thought summer was a dead season, but there seem to be giveaways wherever you turn. I do hope I win some. :) Eternal optimist.
I wish you all a great summer (what's left of it) and I hope when I'm back I'll have a lot to talk about (in terms of both books and perfume) with some summer photos.
Picture : Dreamland by SteveCampbell