Saturday, September 18, 2010

JD Robb: Fantasy in Death

There's not much left to be said about this series. I mean, this is book 30 (or over) in the series. I guess you can tell what I think of the series when I tell you I buy them regularly and have all of them. :) Yes, I do spend way too much money on books. ;)

I don't know if that happened to anyone else reading this book, although if you follow the series, I guess it was pretty obvious how the victims were killed in holo-rooms without any sign of breaking and entering. What I couldn't guess in the beginning, but when Lt. Dallas pointed in that direction, I could see her reasoning but still couldn't understand how is it possible people are so awful to each other? And this book came right after Danielle Steel's concerning a sociopath (which is what the killer in this book is as well).

That's actually some scary stuff when you think about it. Sociopaths are so great at adapting socially that you never know what goes inside until they break your spirit or kill you (depending on how sociopathic your person is). Of course, the In Death series have the killer kind since Eve works in homicide so she gets to discover who did it.

Anyway, all the characters we love are back and the relationships in Eve's life just keep getting stronger. It's been happening for a while and sort of behind her back so that one day she wakes up and realizes she has friends and she actually needs to nurture those friendships. She perhaps is not always sure how it's done but her heart is in the right place and in the end it always works out as it should. I mean, her friends know her so they have a good idea how she will react in a given situation. That is just one of the things I got reminded of reading this book.

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