Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Les Exclusifs de Chanel in Zagreb!

Honestly, I thought at first that someone made a mistake in publishing a little article in one newspaper I accidentally got hold of.
Then I googled it and amid all the wrong hits, I found again a little article saying that Limoni opened a Chanel perfume boutique  on Novemeber 15.

So, yesterday I went to check. :)
And sure thing, it's there! And the Exclusifs are there too! :)
They only have perfumes and for the first time, a boutique here actually has them all in pure parfum strengths as well.

The address is Mesnička 1 - here is the map.

And the SAs seem nice - the one I talked to was helpful, smiling and perfectly enthusiastic (just the right amount).


  1. SO, when WE are going there together? :D

  2. Probably in January. :)
    I was there 5 minutes top and had to run (and December is the month when I need to finish my thesis, so no free time for me).

  3. That's great!!! I'm going through samples of all of them right now and if I want to walk into a store and get a bottle the closest store is in Denmark (I've heard).

  4. I know flavourfanatic! :) I am really happy that they arrived here. Although, you can't really say they are inexpensive...

  5. Ines, this is so exciting! Now you don't have to rely on Paris to try them all. Soon you will own as many as me (3 EDTs, 1 parfum so far - gulp!). I can imagine Coromandel, Sycomore and Cuir de Russie all have your name on them. Have fun!


  6. This is great news (and maybe a little dangerous!?).

  7. apb, that is definitely dangerous news. :)

  8. Tara, good guesses!
    I already have Coromandel. :)
    And love Cuir and Sycomore.

  9. Probala u međuvremenu? ;)
    Iako su klasificirani kao feminnine i kao takvi stvarani od strane parfumera, redom su svi unisex...Cuir mi je interesantan naravno, ali Bel Respiro mi je za sada jako jaaaako interesantan! ;)


  10. Hej Juraj,
    ja bih isto rekla da su prilično unisex (plus, ja se ne obazirem baš na te podjele).
    Moja bočica Coromandela iz Pariza je skoro prazna, no od ostalih što sam probala, Bel Respiro me se jako dojmio kao i Cuir. Čak mi je i Cologne dobar.
    Jedino što mi nije baš dobro je cijena... :)
