Monday, April 16, 2012

Penhaligon's Artemisia - my undercover business perfume

And when I say undercover, I mean that it works for me without anyone noticing anything. :)
Because, where I work, no one ever comments on perfume (two comments in 5 years don't count). But I noticed people tend to smile more and feel helpful toward me when I'm wearing Artemisia. So now, I count it as my undercover perfume when I need business situations to go my way.  ;)

The strange thing is, I know this perfume and can recall its smell without wearing it, but trying to put it into words - no deal.
I've been meaning to review it since I started my blog (which was 3 years ago) but the words i.e. notes eluded me. They still do, but I'll give it my best (people should  be aware of this little gem).

Head Notes: Nectarine and Green Foliage
Heart Notes: Green Apple, Lily of the Valley, Jasmine Tea, Violet and Vanilla
Base Notes: Oakmoss, Sandalwood, Musk, Amber and Vanilla

I would be lying if I said I can smell the fruity notes. The only way for me to know there is some fruit in there is by taking into account the whole I'm smelling - which is florally, powdery sweet with a hint of bitterness and something not letting it be dry and powdery but giving it warmth and joyful sweetness (at points interspersed with fresh burst of an orchard fruity smell).

Oh, I don't think I'll get it right this time either.

On the whole, the perfume doesn't change much, which is completely fine with me, as I love the calming effect it has. And for a perfume that seems so very mellow to me, it has some serious longevity.

My best description of it could be summed up with a creamy, lightly powdery, intricately floral, charming little minx of a perfume.

And for some reason, it reminds me of Paris. The smell of Artemisia never fails to conjure Paris in my mind.

Notes and pic y:


  1. I love this undercover concept and how people don't comment on it, but unintentionally (positively) respond to it. I'll add Artemisia to my to-try list because it sounds like something I'd like.

    1. I keep thinking it is a widely known perfume as I find it so likeable and wearable and enjoy it a lot, but it turns out many people seem unaware of it.
      I hope you'll like it! :)

  2. Gosh, Ines, it sounds like a charming scent just by the list of notes. And I think you gave a pretty good idea of what to expect, smell-wise.

    I really like the idea of undercover anything -- I must have been a spy in a previous life. :-) And since you said the smell of it somehow reminds you of Paris, I'm doubly intrigued. Will put it on my to-try list, too, like Karen.

    1. Suzanne, if you were a spy in a previous life, I feel sorry for whoever crossed your path. :) You were probably a femme fatale type of spy.

      Btw, this is my only Penhaligon's bottle and it's practically empty.

  3. Ha, ha! I love the idea of an undercover perfume!

    Penhaligon's is always good...

    1. I have no idea how that notion appeared in my head connected to this perfume, but once it did, I liked it.

      I'm not very familiar with the Penhaligon's range, what I've tried so far didn't wow me, except for Artemisia and the gin-tonic one (I am so lousy with names!).

  4. You make it sound absolutely yummy, I am so intrigued to try it.
    Perhaps I should ask DH for my wedding anniversary gift a little earlier this year?

    1. Marianthi, a perfume for a wedding anniversary? A great gift if you ask me. :)
      It would be great if you liked it enough to decide to go for a bottle.

  5. It's the second review for this perfume in the recent month. Is Universe trying to tell me something? :)

    1. I'd say the message is quite clear. ;)

      Who did the other one (I missed it)?

    2. Birgit, three weeks ago (approx.)

    3. I remember reading Birgit's thoughts on Artemisia but it seems quite a while ago. Then again, I really have cannot place many events in their proper time. :)

  6. Yes, I got out my sample of Artemisia when I read B's review to see what I made of it again, and whether I could put my thoughts into words. With difficulty it must be said, though I got some fruit and some sharp greenness which is the minxy quality of which you speak! And yes it is floral and powdery to me too. Love the idea of an undercover business scent, by the way. I am not sure what I would pick for that... : - )

    1. Vanessa, I think undercover (business or other) scents only let you know that when you stumble upon them. :) You cannot discover them by considering which might work - I think the situations make them uncovered. ;)
