I must say, I don't remember ever so vividly smelling and remembering the period when the linden trees were blooming in Zagreb.
And I'm only just becoming aware of the fact, that along the chestnuts, those must the most common trees around Zagreb. Because when you're walking (or being driven on a motorcycle) you pass through these wonderful linden-smelling parts of the city.
Each time that happens, I try and inhale as much of the scent as I can, it is just so full of memories for me.
So, is it just me or does linden smell a bit wistful to you?
It is quite possible that is just my state of mind...
That's interesting. I'm not sure I have ever smelled linden as it is not native to my area. Lots of trees here- just not that one :)
ReplyDeleteThat's rather unfortunate James. Linden has such a lovely scent.
DeleteI never thought of the climate where it grows though. It seems like a sturdy tree to me. :)
There are only a couple of linden trees here that I'm aware of, planted next to the parking lot of a gas station/convenience store. They do smell beautiful, but in such an unromantic setting. Zagreb must smell awesome if they are common everywhere.
ReplyDeleteDid you get to the seaside for your holiday, Ines, or are you enjoying it at home?
I am enjoying it at the seaside. :)
DeleteYou know, I always get surprised how the air here is always much more fragrant now than in August.
I love the smell of linden trees. Yes it does seem like a nostalgic scent to me. My most vivid memories are of riding my bike down a road lined with linden trees every day and inhaling the beautiful scent. The air here in the Pacific Northwest is especially fragrant this time of year, too, with some sort of shrubs that smell exactly like orange blossoms as well as other shrubs and flowers. The other day I smelled a wonderful fragrance in passing and found that it was coming from a patch of iris! The roses, both domestic and wild, are in full bloom, too.
ReplyDeleteDoc Elly, your environment sounds perfect for someone who enjoys fragrances! :) It must be wonderful.
DeleteI believe the smell of linden is wistful and nostalgic for me as I grew up with one in our yard and it is THE smell of my childhood. So, of course I love it dearly.
Last month when I visited my friends in Baltimor I saw many linden trees which were just about to start blooming but it was too early for them. I almost cried! I haven't seen (or smelled) linden blossom in, probably, 15 years and it makes me sad.
ReplyDeleteOh, I am very sorry to hear you missed out on them. :(
DeleteI just spent 3 days at the seaside and the cafe we go in the morning is located in the shade of a linden tree - so I got to smell it there as well (and carry the little yellow flowers with me all over the car and everywhere I went). ;)
Linden trees are my favourite. I just love taking a stroll in the city and smell the blooming trees (not so many where I live).
ReplyDeleteIn the village where I grew up, there was a house with acacia trees (those with the white bundle of flowers) and it was heaven to walk by them.
In the countryside the roads are lined with bushes that bear small yellow fragrant flowers (we call then sparta) and when you travel with the windows rolled down you can smell them as you drive.
I am so inspired by your post now!
Thank you Marianthi! :)
DeleteNow, I need to go and google the sparta - I love both the name and the sound (anything that makes you roll down your windows and smell it in passing is always worth investigating).
You know, I'm wondering now, it seems everyone who loves perfumes has these childhood memories of smelling the trees and flowers where they lived and enjoying the fragrance (and remembering it always).
Maybe those are the early makings of perfumistas...